28 September 2014

new word

Days of the Week standard arabic vs. Egyptian dialect أيام الإسبوع

04 July 2013

يخرب بيتك (swearword)

ye-kh-reb  bei-tec
يخرب بيتك

means "May God destroy your house"
 Also on the milder end of the scale of insults Can be embellished by adding something like وبيت اللي خلّفوك (wa-beit kha-le-fouk), "and the house of those who gave birth to you!"
kh= خ

the Slogan of REVOLUTION

Ash-shaʻb yurid isqat an-nizam
الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام
= the people want to bring down the regime
This is a political slogan   associated with the Arab Spring , It was the most frequent slogan, both in graffiti and in chants in rallies, during the revolution in Egypt


15 November 2012

Greetings in Egyptian Arabic

Let's See...


in the morning:

from sunrise to noon
  • Good morning: صباح الخير (Sabah al-kheir)
  • Response: صباح النور (Sabah an-nūr)

There are more colloquial variants on صباح الخير/النور that you can use, like :
  • صباح القشطة (Sabah il-'ish-Taa - lit. morning of cream)
  • your resonse in this case may be: sabah el assal (morning of honey) or you can say sabah el nur .
  •  صباح الفل (Sabah il-full - lit. morning of jasmine),
  •   صباح الورد (sabah il-ward - lit. morning of rose).
  •   They're a little "baladi" (i.e. used more by the rural and lower classes), but you can still use them to add some color to your speech.